So here we are on a rainy Tuesday.  Another day off to work early, to head to the dentist and then my boy has his Cub meeting. Tuesdays are always a busy day at my house.  Up early, to bed late.  Makes for a long one, that's for sure. Tomorrow will make up for that as it's my day off.  Except for housework and grocery shopping (and a trip to Costco to return clothing-remind me to not do that again), it'll be a knitting kind of day.  Rainy and knitting.  Hey! Maybe it'll rain too much, and I'll have to stay home and knit all day! Wouldn't that be a thrill?!?!? For me it would :)
It might be this kind of day, too.  I make our family's bread from scratch every week.  The other half takes up to 3 sandwiches to work each day, so buying bread at the grocery store was costing me a small fortune.  My grandma and mom have always baked bread at home, so I figured it can't be that hard to learn.  My sister gave me a recipe she'd been using at one of her many work places and the rest is history, as they say.  I'll let you know tomorrow if I bake...

What do you do on a rainy day off?

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