Happy Birthday to one of my favourite authors..
Green Eggs and Ham is my favourite book.  And I still have the copy I received from my Aunt and Uncle for Christmas in 1981. 

What's your favourite Dr. Seuss book? Can you recite it word for word? ..I do not like them, Sam I Am, I do not like green eggs and ham....
This came across my "social media" page this morning:
It might be an advertisement for a yarn company, but you know? I think that first bit is true.

My Grandma used to knit.  And I thought she was more beautiful than Liz Taylor. 

And I always wanted to be as beautiful as my Grandma. 

So, I'll just keep on knitting.
Winter is coming to its end.  Thank goodness! I'm tired of snow, slush, and just plain cold.  I swear I was born in the wrong country...*sigh*....

Hopefully the "storm" they're calling for, for SW Ontario will be easier on us than predicted.  We can only wait, I suppose. 

Today, it's off to work, and tonight my boy's Cubs group is out to call owls, weather permitting. 

As for tomorrow?

So, it seems I don't know my own strength!

I had a dream...last night, as I'm sure most of you did.  Was yours scary? Exciting? One of those that you just shouldn't share...but you really, reallly want to..?

I had a dream, about this man..
Yup, that's Jeff Gordon. 

Why a dream about him, you ask?? I dunno....I really shouldn't  share..

But is sure was a great dream... !!
Hey everyone! I hadn't forgotten about you.  This is has been a really busy weekend! I had some loose ends to sew up on a few knitting projects that I had been commissioned to make, working takes up time, and well, it was Superbowl Sunday!!
The Other Half made a rockin' pot of chili, which I have to say, is his best dish.  He's a pretty darn good cook when he puts his mind to it :)
I'm happy to see the Baltimore Ravens won last night.  Not that I would have been upset if the San Francisco 49ers won...I just like purple and gold more than red and gold.  Maybe that has something to do with the high school I went to...

Anyway...!  Hope you've had a great weekend! Tell me...

What is your favourite Super Bowl food?
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Betty :)
This cake was a really last minute request for a friend who's co-worker is leaving for the west.  She's a huge Betty Boop fan, and a purple fanatic.  I hope she likes it...It's tough on short notice!

So, now that the cake is done, I can finally head to bed...it's very late.  Thanks for looking!
I got a phone call this morning, asking for a cake.  Not just any cake, a character cake.  And not just any character either! This one, in particular...
I'm doing a frozen buttercream transfer of her face for a friend on chocolate cake.  I'll post a photo when it's done....

Come back tomorrow and see how she turned out!
I've had a request! I can hardly believe it! You don't know how big I was grinning when I read the request to post my bread recipe on my blog!  That, my friends, means you've been reading....and THAT, my friends, is a good thing :)  Thank you! :D It's the little things that make me happy ;)

And emoticons.  I do that.  Too much.  If it offends your eyeballs, my apologies.  If you know some good ones, let me in on that!


It goes like this...

So here we are on a rainy Tuesday.  Another day off to work early, to head to the dentist and then my boy has his Cub meeting. Tuesdays are always a busy day at my house.  Up early, to bed late.  Makes for a long one, that's for sure. Tomorrow will make up for that as it's my day off.  Except for housework and grocery shopping (and a trip to Costco to return clothing-remind me to not do that again), it'll be a knitting kind of day.  Rainy and knitting.  Hey! Maybe it'll rain too much, and I'll have to stay home and knit all day! Wouldn't that be a thrill?!?!? For me it would :)